This event is to help to put table tennis in the spot light. It is an exhibition with many talents across the UK and Europe coming together to shine some light on our great sport. The event will be live streamed here
and on Facebook.
Darius Knight (England No 8 Senior) (RANKINGS)
Gabriel Archampong (England No 28 Senior) (RANKINGS)
Christopher Cockburn (England No 143 Senior) (RANKINGS)
Radoslav Kamberov (Ex-Bulgarian International)
Raquel São Pedro (England No 5 @ Cadet Girls) (RAKINGS)
Charlotte Marsden (England No 23 @ Junior Girls) (RANKINGS)
James Hamblett (England No 11 @ U/13) (RANKINGS)
Victor Ramirez Rioja (England No 21 @ U/13) (RATINGS)
Nicko-Dee Anderson (Double Gold Medalist) Wheel Chair Table Tennis
Presented by Eli Baraty
Elroy " Silver Fox" Edwards