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Luton Table Tennis Club and Luton & District Table Tennis League are Happy To See The Youngsters In The National Ranking List

We are very happy to see that some of our youngsters have made TTE National Rankings for the very first time, which help to prove the hard work Luton TTC is doing to help make table tennis one of the first choice for these youngsters. Table Tennis is a very easy game to learn, but very difficult to master so being able to climb that list does help to show a player improvement.

Under-11 Boys
59 - Kamai Francis (131 points)
69 - Blayk Marquis (112 points)
117 - Nathan Chuks-Spencer (11 points)

Under-12 Boys
133 - Kamai Francis (131 points)
152 - Blayk Marquis (112 points)
230 - Nathan Chuks-Spencer (11 points)

Under 13 Boys
212 - Francis McMahon (158 points)
264 - Kamai Francis (131 points)
298 - Blayk Marquis (112 points)
422 - Fergal Sam (48 points)

Cadet Boys Rankings
540 - Francis McMahon (158 points)
926 - Fergal Sam (48 points)

Those not yet on the list may not have played enough tournaments and gained enough points to be mentioned.

Well done to all the players and coaches who help to make this happen.

Luton TTC

About the Author

By elroy / Administrator, bbp_keymaster on Mar 20, 2019