Young team Hanover winning against Wrest Park B (Youngest 10yrs)
After forming Luton Table Tennis Club in February 2016 and running it successfully from them till now I am totally convinced that as of next year 2019 I will be launching a Junior table tennis league.
There are many reasons for this, but my main concern is the late end of matches. In the Luton & District Table Tennis League matches usually begin at 7.45 pm which is generally bedtime for most youngsters. When we first joined the league last year the youngest we had in one of the team was 8 years of age. Luckily he is still playing and doing very well indeed, but I am finding it very difficult to face the moms, always the moms, at 9.45 to 10 pm when matches are still going on with the doubles still to be played. I believe I have enough of that.
Young team St Ann playing final game while mom wait in the background (Youngest 9yrs)
This is definitely the final season for all my talented youngsters to be participating in the Luton & District Table Tennis League competing weekly. As of the beginning of the 2019 season in October time LTTC will be running a junior table tennis league in Luton and the surrounding areas. Matches will be played in one venue on a Saturday only. It is more than just an idea at the moment so this will definitely be happening.
Volunteers will be needed for this so if you have any expertise in running leagues and competitions, please contact me as your help will be needed. It is vitally important that such a league is set up in order to keep youngsters in the game as long as possible., 07960278059
Elroy Edwards.